Saturday, February 13, 2010


Started a new job in mid jan and it has been full on. Between that and the hot weather i have had little energy and works have been progressing slowly. I started a life drawing class on Monday night and sketch club started again on Tuesday. Sadly didn't get to the latter as a committee meeting ran later than I hoped.

I finished a little play embroidery - canvas work - which arose as i saw a pattern which I thought would do well as water. it came up a treat. I will put photo up once I have found a matt board to suit it.

I have been continuing to play with faces - the photo with this post is one which I have incorporated into a frame using the limited photo program I have. It was fun to play with the program - change the colours of the frame (and the frame) - gave me too many ideas for embroidery. I have a couple of small faces which I have drawn which please me. Might even and try and do an icon like frame with gold work...

Really must stop side tracking myself when I have so little time. Still looking at maps and jumping from one stream of thought to another about what I might do to for an exhibtion late next year. Stitches Plus is exhibiting at the Embroiderers' Guild in August so need to consolidate (and finish) a few pieces. The Guild is holding an exhibition 29 April to 2 May and I am helping with that. I really need to stay a little focused on what I do and not keep extending myself ... but is is all so interesting.

Not quite a self portrait

Not quite a self portrait
small 8' quiltlet with embroidered hair

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