Monday, January 30, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

photo - shadow play

late afternoon sun leaving a pattern of leaves on the blind

Monday, January 9, 2012

collage exercises

Following on from my new years resolution I have been reading through Gerald Brommer's book and making notes.  I am trying to teach myself to see more critically.  I took the book with me on holidays and made notes and now am anxious to be home with my paints and papers and play a bit.  In the interim I bought a glue stick and stuck down some papers torn from a tourist info mag and had a small play with colour and line.  A bit later on I tore up a card I had made (acrylic on watercolour paper) and some Christmas wrapping paper and worked on a flower collage. 

news years resolutions

Ages ago I picked up a second hand book - Inspired to Stitch   The Creative Embroidery Course by Wendy Lees. I have made a resolution to work through the exercises and will set aside a couple of hours x 2 to play with the exercises ... my posts will be a way to make me accountable.

Another book I want to play and have fun with is Collage Techniques A Guide for Artists and Illustrators  by Gerald Brommer. Part 1 is called Exploration: Attitudes, Material; and Techniques.  I am really looking forward to getting into paper and paste :-)

and I am going to teach myself to use my camera properly!

Not quite a self portrait

Not quite a self portrait
small 8' quiltlet with embroidered hair

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