Call to arms …
we need you …
Yes another fund raiser! But this time we all get to help doing
something we enjoy! We get to
stitch. Fancy that, a fund raiser that
actually involves stitching. The Guild
has been commissioned to create 4 installations at the Concord Library … with the
commission comes the opportunity to raise a significant sum for the building
fund. We can say more once the
documentation is finalised.
What are we
doing? Many, many embroidered letters
and numbers.
and numbers - embroidered and embellished fabric tiles. The tiles will be used by the Concord Library
staff to create messages on a 3D tree form that is over a metre tall.
we need lower case letters.
What letters will I do?
about the letters in your name.
What next?
a wool, linen or felt fabric in any colour (but not fluorescent please)
your fabric 15 cm square.
10cm (4 inch hoop) is perfect for lower case letters. ( The ‘e’ above was stitched in a 10 cm
case letters like ‘a’ ‘c’ ‘x’ should be
about 8 cm high. Letters with a tail
like ‘g’, ‘j’ or those that stand tall like ‘f” and ‘t’ should be a little longer/taller. We trust you to make the right decision.
What technique will I use?
stitch or technique that you choose. As
little or as much bling as you wish – beads, gold thread and small spangles are
all great.
you a patchworker? No reason why you
can’t create a tile and embellish it too.
crowd your work. Remember though that we
want the letters and numbers to “pop” and be readable at a distance. Thread, colour and texture will all have a
role to play. Step back from work
occasionally and check that your letter is clear.
I have other commitments. How long will it take me?
letter “e” above took three and a half hours whilst the stitcher watched (or
half watched) television.
I have a question. Who will I contact?
Donna on 0407 820 416
send an email to her at
Embroiderers’ Guild NSW Inc.
drop them off at 76 Queen Street ,
Concord West,
a little money at the Threaded Needle and
out the most recent exhibition.
Can I see what others have done?
Yes. Jaci, our webmistress, will put photos of
all your letters and numbers on a gallery page on the Guild website.
Let us know what you are doing.
we can keep track on who is doing what please let us know what letters you have
decided to and your technique of choice.
Ring Donna on 0407 820 416 or send an email to her at
also need capital letters and punctuation as well. A further call will go out for these shortly.
Whats in it for me?
- A fun way to
fund raise.
- A chance to
sample that stitch or technique you’ve always wanted to try.
- An
opportunity to share (exhibit) your work and be inspired by others.
- A
significant donation to the building fund for little effort.
Get stitching, experiment, play, tryout
and most importantly enjoy.